Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Big Changes Ahead

I go see the doctor on Friday. I've got lots to talk to him about. I'll try to summarize in point form.

  • I'd like to try and go off my meds.
  • I am still tired (not AS much) but I can go 3 or 4 days off meds and feel no different than if I am on them solid for 3 weeks.
  • at my intake at the counselor's, they suggested I ask for a consult with the shrink who specializes in meds. I don't think I will bother because I don't want more meds. Or different meds. I don't want meds.
  • I even want to try not taking my sleeping pills on nights and see how that goes.
  • I am going to tell him about my plans to go vegetarian.
  • I am going to tell him about my new regimen of stretching, light exercise and possibly yoga and weight training.
  • I am going to talk to him about how concerned I am about my gut. I look pregnant. And it's not flabby. It's hard. I am concerned I have digestion issues. Or a blockage or a tumour or something.. I have serious gas issues. I fart ALOT. I always feel at least a little bloated. I mean I fart A LOT. 5-10x/hour is normal. I farted at least 20x in the last hour and my pants aren't as tight. And my abdomen isn't as hard. Hmmmmm.
  • I am going to ask for a script for massage. I get $25/session back from my benefits but only if it's prescibed.
  • I am also going to talk to him about a couple lumps I have. Becky is concerned about one under my arm and I am concerned about one on the back of my head.
  • Finally, I want to talk to him about the supernatural. About the spirit in our house who is a meanie and is resistant to change so he affects us negatively.

I'm gonna try and start a daily log of what I ate and when and how I feel throughout the day. Increase my diligence on tracking BMs and maybe start tracking farts too. Also keep record of activities. Did I stretch, workout, do yoga, meditate, etc.

Let's the awesome begin!
