Friday, July 31, 2009

well shit.

I had a doctors appt 3 weeks ago. I told her that I felt better mood wise
but I was clenching my jaw a lot. She said it should pass. And the
headaches should pass. Well, the clenching is getting worse. I am not
sleeping well at night. I still have headaches.
My libido needs some work too. Not a lack of desire though.
Still VERY tired.
I have noticed that since that appt, my mood is actually swinging back. I
have been quite irritable the last couple weeks.
Last night was wretched. I had no patience to start with and both girls
were giving me a hard time.
And today, I still don't have any patience but I also feel down again.
Not good.,
I don't have another appt until Aug 13.
I don't want them to bump me to a higher dose. I don't want to make any of
the negative side effects worse.
I can't live with the teeth clench thing. It makes my teeth and jaw ache. I
think it's the cause of the headaches. I think it's was waking me up at
night. It hurts to chew.
This sucks.
Hopefully sometime this weekend I'll have enough energy to try the libido
thing out. Maybe it was unrelated? Or a side effect of some other
"medicine". wink wink.

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