yeah, Thursday sucked. I was overtired and in a crank ass mood all day. I was tired and sore and I took it out on others. I did feel better once I got the dishes done, some laundry folded and a tea in me. I think I was a little stressed and I needed to get some stuff done to take the load off. Great, here we go again with the "so much to do!! stress me out!!" I am really gonna have to work on that.
Friday wasn't much better. it was and it wasn't. morning was good. 12-130pm not good. ALL my fault. I thought that the girls would entertain each other for a while but I was wrong. All they wanted was my attention but I was too wrapped up in my stupid pool. I'll have to make it up to them. I know how I will with DD1. There is a craft she is DYING to do with me when DD2 is sleeping. I'll have to do that next week.
Bear in mind, and I am sensing a pattern here, that I ran out of Breathe Right strips. The 2 days following a night without them and I was cranky. Hmmmm. I've been very diligent with my fibre, no coffee. The strips is the only thing that has changed.
Need to start exercising too. As much as it would suck, maybe I have to start setting an alarm on my days off and going for a run or a bike ride. I remember how good i felt back when I did exercise. and how i encouraged DW to aswell, becuase it felt good. Besides, the dog could use the odd run too!